The bend relief editing tools can be displayed either by clicking on the Handle Toggle to switch to the Relief view or by right -clicking the shape, selecting Show Edit Handles, and then selecting Relief. Relief display/orientation buttons and corner relief editing handles are then displayed.
Bend relief display buttons allow you the option of working with or without bend reliefs displayed on sheet metal parts. These square red buttons are displayed at the ends of the bend at the point where it joins stock and are inactive by default. To display a specific bend relief, move the cursor over the corresponding button until it changes to a pointing finger and on-off icon and then select it. The button lightens in color and the specified bend relief is displayed. Right-clicking on the Relief Display button accesses the Bend Properties.
To display the bend relief of a bend sheet metal shape:
With the bend shape selected at the IntelliShape editing level, click the Handle Toggle, if necessary to switch to display of the bend relief tools. The default shape view is replaced by the relief view and editing tools. Move the cursor over the Relief Display button on the bend edge that is connected to the stock shape until the cursor changes to a pointing finger with on-off icon and left-click. The button lightens in color and the associated default bend relief is displayed on the stock shape. The relief can be edited, if necessary, using the Bend IntelliShape properties.
The diamond-shaped bend corner relief handles are displayed at the ends of a bend shape and allow you to visually increase/decrease its corner relief. Simply move the cursor over the handle until it changes to a hand with a double pointed arrow and then click and drag, as desired, to edit the corner relief. To precisely edit the size of the corner relief of the bend, right-click on the desired handle to display the same pop-up menu options available for Move Bend editing handles, with the exception of Edit Bend Alignment, which is replaced by:
And the addition of:
To adjust the corner relief of a bend:
The bend relief orientation buttons are used to specify the orientation of a corner relief when creating closed corners. These square green buttons are displayed at the top and bottom ends of a corner relief, the brighter green of the two indicating the currently active orientation. If the button at the top end of the corner relief is bright green, orientation of the corner relief will be relative to the top corner of the relief on a closed corner; if the bottom button is bright green, the orientation will be relative to the bottom corner. To select the alternate orientation, move the cursor over the corresponding button until it changes to a pointing finger and on-off icon and then click to select it. Right-clicking on the Relief Orientation button access the Bend Properties.
To create a closed corner for a sheet metal part manually:
Note the two square green relief orientation buttons that have been activated. Orientation of the closed corner relief is relative to the top or bottom corner of the relief, as indicated by the brighter green handle. A green highlighted button at the top of the corner relief indicates orientation is relative to the top corner; a highlighted button at the bottom indicates orientation is relative to the bottom corner. To switch to the alternate orientation, move the cursor over the corresponding button until it changes to a pointing finger and on-off icon and then click to select it.
If desired, you can use the Reliefs properties to define the corner relief by right-clicking on the bend shape at the IntelliShape editing level, selecting IntelliShape Properties from the pop-up menu, and then clicking on the Reliefs tab. The corner relief options are on the right side of the dialog box.