Quick Block: Create a block by picking the 3 points that define the corners of the base and 1 point to define the height.
Quick Cylinder: Create a cylinder by picking 3 points to define the circumference of the base and 1 point to define the height.
Quick Partial Cone: Create a partial cone by picking 3 points to define the base circumference and 1 point to define the top radius.
Quick Cone: Create a cone by picking 3 points to define the base circumference and 1 point to define the top point.
Quick Sphere: Create a sphere by picking 3 point lying of the surface of the sphere and 1 point to define the radius.
Quick Spin: Create a spin shape by picking 3 planar points that will define the center of rotation for the spin (or spin axis) then pick 2 points to define the start and end points of the spin. Tip: the first 3 points are used to represent a plane that is perpendicular/normal to the Y axis of the spin.