IronCAD's Methodology
See an explanation of IronCAD's unique design methodology.
SolidWorks. Inventor. Traditional. Fusion 360. Understanding IronCAD's mehtodology compared to conventional systems.
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Sheet Metal Preview
Very short preview of IronCAD's sheet metal tools.
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Detailed look at IronCAD's most famous tool.
How to use the TriBall. Using the TriBall. TriBall tutorial. TriBall diagram.
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IronCAD Demo
Demonstration of various IronCAD capabilities.
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Sheet Metal in Detail
Detailed look at IronCAD's different sheet metal tools.
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Webinar | IronCAD vs SolidWorks
design differences webinar
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Creating 2D Drawings
Overview of how to create 2D drawings from your IronCAD 3D Models.
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DXF Creation For CNC
How to create a DXF/DWG for manufacturing (CNC, LASER, etc).
dwg laser cnc
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ICMECH - Steels Tutorial 1
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ICMECH - Steels Tutorial 2
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Modular Design Preview
Quick preview of IronCAD's modular design capabilities.
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Positioning Constraints
Lock the movement of parts to simulate real-world mechanisms.
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Structural Steel Overview
How to use Structural Steel with IronCAD Mechanical.
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Use 3D items as cutting tools.
Cut. Slice. Trimming. Knife.
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3D Curves
Create 3D curves for hoses, wiring, and more.
Importing points for 3d curves.
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Attachment Point
Create modular parts than automatically connect.
Modular. Attachment points. Smart Assembly.
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BOM & Cutlist Setup
How to create a Bill of Materials (BOM) or Cutlist from your 3D model.
Creating cut lists. Bill of materials. Parts list for manufacturing.
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Export Face To DXF
Quickly export a parts face to DXF file
DXF face to dxf dwg
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Mechanism Mode
Simulate real-world movement mechanisms.
Mechanism. Movement. Physics. Simulation.
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Modular & Parametric Packaging
Example of Push & Pull Parametric packaging using IronCAD's handles.
Para. Parametric. Packaging. Nefab.
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Pattern Feature
Patterns, Arrays and Groups of Features.
Pattern. Array. Copies. Groups.
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Place Pipe Along 3D Wire
piping pipe on 3d wire pipe 3d curve pipe along wire pipe on line pipe along line
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Extract pricing and other info for quotes.
Quote. Query properties. Pricing.
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Share 3D on the cloud
Share your IronCAD model in an online link to send anyone a preview.
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Steel Stairs and Rails Tools - ICMECH
stairs railings stair railing stair fence
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Webinar | IronCAD Mechanical
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Webinar | The TriBall - Design Like A Jet Pilot
Tri Ball. Fighter pilot.
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Create Sketch
How to create a sketch in the 3D model.
2D Shape. On X-Y Plane. On Z-X Plane. On Y-Z Plane.
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Custom Steel Feature - ICMECH
Custom Steel Extrude Custom Extrude
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Create curvaceous shapes by connecting profiles.
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Parameters Overview
Parametric. Design. Expressions. Algorithms.
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Piping with ICMECH
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Apply colors, textures, and more to your model.
Color Colour Texture Bump Decal Transparent Paint Environment Metallic Metal Wood Timber Plastic Glass
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Webinar | How To Increase Productivity Tenfold
Unified design environment. Singe-scene. Scene.
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Webinar | Sheet Metal Design
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Webinar | Using Design Intelligence
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Check Interference
Investigate overlapping or interfering parts.
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Place Steels Along 3D Wire
3D curve structural steel 3d curve along curve steel along curve
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Push & Pull Parametric Design Intelligence
NEFAB. Package. Packaging. Pallet. Parameters. SmartAssembly. Smart Assembly.
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Sheet Metal Loft
Square to round, press bends, and more.
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Sheet Metal Miter
Miter sheet metal bends around edges of a part.
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Suppress / Unsuppress
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Create a 3D screw thread.
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Webinar | Integrated Direct Editing Imported Models
Direct editing. Edit imported parts. Syncronous. Move face.
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Control how items drop from the catalog.
Interaction properties. Move anchor.
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Convert to Sheet Metal part
Convert standard or imported geometry to Sheet Metal parts.
Import sheet metal.
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Do temporary measurements of geometry.
Measure area. Curve length. Arc Length. Surface Area. Minimum distance. Maximum distance.
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Shrink Wrap
Create simplified versions of complex models.
Simplify. Shrink Wrap. Downsize. Lower size.
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Sketch Smart Dimensions & Constraints
Creating SmartDimensions in a 2D Sketch.
Smart dimension. Constraints. Sketch constraints.
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Solid part to Sheetmetal Part
Convert to sheet metal. Rip. Bend.
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System Requirements & Recommendations
Computer Specification Recommendations.
System. Computer. Laptop. Specifications. Specs.
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Webinar | Going from 2D to 3D
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Analyse moments of inertia, mass density, surface area and more.
Moments of inertia. Moment of inertia. (l_xy, l_yz, l_zx). Mass density.
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Combine multiple parts into one, and more multi-part operations.
Boolean. Combine parts. Subtraction. Intersection.
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Draft Analysis
Check Draft angles for molding and casting.
Mold. Molding.
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Import Reference 2D
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Project Sketch
Project Constraint.
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Sheet Metal Loft with Press Bends
Round to square. Duct.
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Shell Part
Hollow out the internal volume of a part.
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Sketched Bend
Sheet metal parts from bends sketched on a flat sheet.
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Steel Caps and Inserts - ICMECH
Steel cap steel structural capping
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Stretch Part/Assembly
Quickly stretch a complex assembly.
Stretch Assembly
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Create a shape by sweeping a profile along a path.
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Attachment Point Connector
Reconnect and reposition attachment point items.
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Background Settings
Customise background color and environment imagery.
Background color. Image. HDRI. Skybox. Cube map.
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Create a 3D shape from a 2D sketch profile.
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Realistic Rendering
Customize shadows, reflections, ambient occlusion and more.
Shadow. Ambient occlusion. Reflections.
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Smart Dimension 3D
Measure and control 3D parts with dimensions.
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2D Drawing Spell Checker
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2D Drawing View Creation Types
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2D Sketch Region Selection
Select specific regions of a cross section to be extruded or used in a feature.
Extrude Region. Cross section.
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3D Curve Edit
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3D Sketch/Text Emboss
Create 3D text in your IronCAD model.
Emboss. Wrap emboss. Concave. Convex. Raised text. Cut out text.
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3D Text
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Add Closed
Closing sheet metal corners in parts.
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Add Logo Images To Drawings
Add an image into your drawing sheet template.
Drawing template images. Open image.
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Adding Lines/Geometry to 2D Drawing Views
Supplementary geometry
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Aligning Annotations on 2D Drawings
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Angular Smart Dimension
Angle. Degrees.
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Sketch Arc.
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Assemble & Disassemble
Create useful groups of parts to simplify and speed up design.
Assembly. Disassemble.
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Assembly Features
Features that cut through multiple parts in a model or Assembly.
Cut parts. Assembly cut. Hole through multiple parts. Cut two (2) parts. Cut three (3) parts.
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Assembly Tree Exporter
Export the assembly tree structure.
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Attachment Point Parallel Constraint
Modular. SmartAssembly. eBehaviour
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Attachment Point Parameters / Expressions
smart ebehavior smartassembly smart assembly
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Automatic Dimensioning 2D Drawings
Automatic dimensioning. Dimensions.
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Bend Notch
Add a cut/alignment notch to sheet metal bends.
Bend relief. Bend notch. Bend cut out.
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Bend Notch for Sheet Metal Press Bends
Press notch. Check out. Sheet metal.
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Bend Reliefs in Sheet Metal
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Fillet and smooth edges between geometry.
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Boss Thread in ICMECH
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Bridge Curve
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CADENAS Part Library
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Catalog Management
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Drag and drop. Drag & Drop.
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Create angled transitions between faces.
Weld. Angle. Chamfer.
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Combine Shapes
Combine intellishapes into a Brep solid.
Join shapes. Join intellishapes.
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Configurations. Exploded views.
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Convert Compose Data
Compose. Configurator. Light format. Light model. IP.
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Convert to Sheetmetal part
Convert an imported part to be used with IronCAD sheet metal.
Convert imported part to sheetmetal. Convert sheetmetal. Sheet metal.
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Sheet Metal
Custom Hole
Quick Block
Quick Pick Shapes
Blend Edges
Chamfer Edges
Draft Faces
Shell Part
Stretch Part/Assembly
Pattern Feature
Scale Body
Mirror Feature
Move Face
Match Face
Offset Face
Delete Face
Edit Face Radius
Split Faces
Direct Edit
On X-Y Plane
Two Point
Linear Pattern
Clear Duplicate
Find Gap
Smart Dimension
Extract Curve
Intersection Curve
Formula Curve
Projection Curve
Iso-Parametric Curve
Projection Combine Curve
Wrap Curve
Bridge Curve
3D Curve
Trim/Split 3D Curves
Merge Curves
3D Curve Edit
3D Curve Edit
Spin Surface
Sweep Surface
Loft Surface
Mesh Surface
Ruled Surface
Extract Surface
Plane Surface
Fillet Surface
Extend Surface
Offset Surface
Untrim Surface
Patch Surface
Merge Surface
Surface Edit
Import Geometry
Export Part
Shrink Wrap
Assembly Tree Exporter
Mechanism Mode
Draft Analysis
Check Interference
Check Clearance
Positioning Constraints
Mate & Align Positioning
Fixed in Parent
Insert Part/Assembly
Open Part/Assembly
Save Part/Assembly
Save As Part/Assembly
Save All As External
Unlink (External)
External File Operations
Unfold Sheetmetal
Refold Sheetmetal
Create Loft
Sketched Bend
Cut Sheetmetal
Forming Tool
Bend Notch
Punch Bend
Unfold Bend
Refold Bend
Corner Relief
Add Closed
Add Miter
Corner Break
Solid/Surface Flat Pattern from Faces
Convert to Sheetmetal part
Solid part to Sheetmetal part
Pattern Feature
Mirror Feature
Positioning Constraints
Mate & Align Positioning
Fixed in Parent
Mechanism Mode
Draft Analysis
Check Interference
Check Clearance
Shrink Wrap
Coordinate System
Recreate Display
Combine Shapes
Faces to IntelliShape
Convert to Solid
Group Child
Move Anchor
Reset Sizebox
Section Part/Assembly
Find in Scene Browser
Shape Properties
Zebra Stripes
Import Reference 2D
Query Properties
Attachment Point
Attachment Point Connector
Convert Compose Data
Fill EyeDropper
Insert Light
Edit Camera
Mechanism Motion
Add New Path
Insert Key
Next Path
Export Animation
Smart Dimension
Text Annotations
Cosmetic Weld
Cosmetic Thread
Scene Browser
Catalog Browser
Datum Plane
Linked Instances (All)
Parameter Table
Handle Snapping
Coordinate System
Default Size and Density
Catalog Sets
New Window
Arrange Icons
Horizontal Split
Remove View
Grunderna i 3D-modellering
(39 minuter)
Introduktion av grundutbildning
Gratulerar! Du har hittat det snabbaste och bästa sättet att lära dig 3D CAD.
Övning 01 | Översikt 3D-scenen
Få en första överblick av gränssnittet och ikoner.
Övning 02 | Drag-och-släpp modellering 1/3
Använda kameran och bygga en enkel klossmodell via dra-och-släpp.
Övning 03 | Drag-och-släpp modellering 2/3
Använda kameran och bygga en 3D-modell med features.
Övning 04 | Drag-och-släpp modellering 3/3
3D-modell med flera features och introduktion av TriBall.
(25 minuter)
Övning 05 | Triballövning del 1/3
Kom igång med verktyget TriBall!
Övning 06 | Triballövning del 2/3
Flytta, vrid och vänd en part med TriBall mot andra geometrier.
Övning 07 | Triballövning del 3/3
Skapa länkade kopior och mönster av features med TriBall.
(29 minuter)
Övning 08 | Bordsövning del 1/5
Koncepta fram en enkel sammanställning med flera parter.
Övning 09 | Bordsövning del 2/5
Modellerar fötter till bordet och lägger färger.
Övning 10 | Bordsövning del 3/5
Kopierar foten och modifierar som stöd till bordsskivan.
Övning 11 | Bordsövning del 4/5
Byter ut benet i mitten mot fyra länkade ben.
Övning 12 | Bordsövning del 5/5
Fasar av en kant på fötterna och kopierar med TriBall.
(43 minuter)
Övning 13 | Tvärsnittet/Sketch
Genomgång av Sketch (tvärsnittet) och skapar en Extrude feature.
Övning 14 | Spin Wizard del 1/2
Rörböj via Spin Wizard.
Övning 15 | Spin Wizard del 2/2
Svarvad axel med Spin Wizard.
Övning 16 | Sweep Wizard
Tråd, rör och slangar via Sweep Wizard.
Övning 17 | Loft Wizard
Friformsmodeller med Loft Wizard.
(2.7 timmar)
Övning 18 | Stirlingmotor del 1/21
Snabb och enkel konceptmodell av Stirlingmotor.
Övning 19 | Stirlingmotor del 2/21
Bygg grunden till Cylindern via drag-och-släppmetoden.
Övning 20 | Stirlingmotor del 3/21
Vevhus och Lock samt anger egenskaper som namn och artikelnummer.
Övning 21 | Stirlingmotor del 4/21
Grunden till Pelaren via drag-och-släppmetoden.
Övning 22 | Stirlingmotor del 5/21
Bygger Lagerfästet via drag-och-släppmetoden.
Övning 23 | Stirlingmotor del 6/21
Vevskiva, Lagerhållare och Bussningar. Positionerar med TriBall.
Övning 24 | Stirlingmotor del 7/21
Finjusterar Cylinderns form via Sketch. TriBall för en roterad hålbild.
Övning 25 | Stirlingmotor del 8/21
Arbetskolv med Spin Shape samt använder Section Tool på Vevhuset.
Övning 26 | Stirlingmotor del 9/21
Bygger Kolvbussning och Axelfäste, samt justerar Pelaren något.
Övning 27 | Stirlingmotor del 10/21
Gängade hål på Pelaren, Axelfästet och Vevskivan med IronPRO XT.
Övning 28 | Stirlingmotor del 11/21
Koncepta fram Vevstakar vars form vi senare kommer att finjustera.
Övning 29 | Stirlingmotor del 12/21
Bygger Ledfäste för Kolv och Vevstake vid Cylindern.
Övning 30 | Stirlingmotor del 13/21
Finjustering av Vevstakar via Sketch. Cirkelbågar, Trim och Extend.
Övning 31 | Stirlingmotor del 14/21
Svänghjul med Pattern Feature för hålbild samt Draft Feature för släppning.
Övning 32 | Stirlingmotor del 15/21
Modellerar fram och färdigställer Glaskolv och Glascylinder.
Övning 33 | Stirlingmotor del 16/21
Färdigställer Pelaren med Loft Shape och Blend. Namnsätter Vevstakar.
Övning 34 | Stirlingmotor del 17/21
Positionerar Vevstakarna, Ledfästet och Vevskivan med Triball.
Övning 35 | Stirlingmotor del 18/21
Skruvar och brickor via Fasteners i katalogen IronPRO XT Mech.
Övning 36 | Stirlingmotor del 19/21
Skruvar, brickor och muttrar via Fasteners i katalogen IronPRO XT Mech.
Övning 37 | Stirlingmotor del 20/21
Skruvar fast Lagerhållaren i Lagerfästet. Monterar Axel.
Övning 38 | Stirlingmotor del 21/21
Bottenplatta med räcke via 3D-kurva och Sweep Wizard.
Övning 38a | Bonus Lagerfäste
Övning 38b | Bonus Lock
Övning 38c | Bonus Cylinder
(2.5 timmar)
Övning 39 | Sammanställning Stirlingmotor
Sammanställningsritning med stycklista och pos-ballonger.
Övning 40 | Detaljritning Cylinder del 1/2
Skapar detaljritning med snittvy från externt länkad part.
Övning 41 | Detaljritning Cylinder del 2/2
Måttsätter detaljritning och fyller i ritningshuvud.
Övning 42 | Detaljritning Vevhus
Detaljritning av Vevhuset, snittvy samt partiellt snitt.
Övning 43 | Detaljritning Pelare
Detaljritning av Pelaren direkt från 3D-scenen. Snittvy och måttsättning.
Övning 44 | Detaljritning Svänghjul
Detaljritning av Svänghjulet med hålmönster samt en Aligned Section View.
Övning 45 | Delsammanställning Motor
Delsammanställningsritning av Motor med stycklista samt pos-ballonger.
Övning 46 | Monteringsritning del 1/2
Sprängd konfiguration av Motor i 3D-scenen.
Övning 47 | Monteringsritning del 2/2
Monteringsritning från exploderade konfiguration med färglagd vy.
Övning 48 | Monteringsritning Steg-för-steg del 1/2
Konfigurationer i 3D-scenen med varje monteringssteg var för sig.
Övning 49 | Monteringsritning Steg-för-steg del 2/2
Monteringsritning med beskurna vyer från steg-för-steg-modellen.
Övning 50 | Bulk Drawing Creation
Bulk Drawing Creation för att snabbt skapa stor mängd 2D-ritningar.
Övning 51 | Ritningsblankett Del 1/2
Skapa en egen 2D-ritningsmall. Inställningar av stilar och lager.
Övning 52 | Ritningsblankett Del 2/2
Lägga till egen logotyp samt testa och spara ritningsmall.
Övning 53 | Stycklista BOM Del 1/2
Hantera stycklistans och pos-ballongernas inställningar.
Övning 54 | Stycklista BOM Del 2/2
Lägga till kolumner till stycklistan och spara som en mall.
Övning 55 | Bulk Drawing Creation-ritningsmall
Ritningsmall för Bulk Drawing Creation.
Kataloger och Ankarpunkt
(47 minuter)
Övning 56 | Kataloghantering del 1/4
Bygg kataloger med parter, färger, texturer, grupper av objekt mm.
Övning 57 | Kataloghantering del 2/4
Gruppera objekt i en katalog. Skillnad på part och feature. Ankarpunkt.
Övning 58 | Ankarpunkten del 1/2
Ankarpunkten som styr objektets position i XYZ-koordinatsystemet.
Övning 59 | Ankarpunkten del 2/2
Position och orientering kontrolleras av Ankarpunkten med TriBall.
Övning 60 | Kataloghantering del 3/4
Intellishape Properties bygger in features i en extrudering.
Övning 61 | Kataloghantering del 4/4
Skapa eget materialbibliotek med material och färger i katalog.
Import och Direct Face Modeling
(28 minuter)
Övning 62 | Import av 3D-filer
Hantera och modifiera importerad Parasolid.
Övning 63 | Modifiera importerad geometri
Med Direct Face Modeling modifiera formen på importerad modell.
Övning 64 | Konvertera import till Sheet Metal part
Convert to Sheet Metal för att bocka plåt från importerad geometri.
Övning 65 | Importinställningar
Genomgång av olika inställningarna för hantering vid import.
(24 minuter)
Övning 66 | Videoanimering del 1/2
Animera montering av Motorn med animeringsbanor.
Övning 67 | Videoanimering del 2/2
Justera ordning på animerade modeller samt exportera video.
(21 minuter)
Övning 68 | Bildrendering del 1/2
Fotorealistiska bilder av modeller. Bakgrund, kameror och ljussättning.
Övning 69 | Bildrendering del 2/2
Rendera fram en produktbild och spara den.
Sheet Metal
(26 minuter)
Övning 70 | Sheet Metal-modellering
Skapa hållare av bockad plåt med grundfunktionerna för Sheet Metal.
Övning 71 | Sheet Metal Utbredning och 2D-ritning
Utbredning av bockad plåt. Skapa skärmall i DXF-format via 2D-ritningen.
Övning 72 | Sheet Metal-funktioner
Sheet Metal, grundinställningar och hantering features.
Tillägg KeyShot
(12 minuter)
Övning 73 | Bildrendering med KeyShot
Rendera fotorealistiska bilder via direktlänken till KeyShot.
Tillägg Multiphysics
(18 minuter)
Övning 74 | FEM-beräkning med Multiphysics del 1/2
Hållfasthetsberäkna part direkt i 3D-scenen.
Övning 75 | FEM-beräkning med Multiphysics del 2/2
Hållfasthetsberäkna 2 parter med olika material direkt i 3D-scenen.
Step By Step Training
Course Overview
Training Introduction
(2 minutes)
Introduction to the Basic Training Course
The Basics
(30 minutes)
Training 01 | Drag & Drop Modelling (1/3)
Training 02 | Drag & Drop Modelling (2/3)
Training 03 | Drag & Drop Modelling (3/3)
Training 04 | Toy Car Exercise
TriBall Training
(22 minutes)
Training 05 | TriBall (1/3)
Training 06 | TriBall (2/3)
Training 07 | TriBall (3/3)
Table Exercise
(30 minutes)
Training 08 | Table Exercise (1/5)
Training 09 | Table Exercise (2/5)
Training 10 | Table Exercise (3/5)
Training 11 | Table Exercise (4/5)
Training 12 | Table Exercise (5/5)
Feature Tools
(45 minutes)
Training 13 | Extrude
Training 14 | Spin (1/2)
Training 15 | Spin (2/2)
Training 16 | Sweep
Training 17 | Loft
Stirling Engine
(2.5 hours)
Training 18 | Stirling Engine (1/24)
Training 19 | Stirling Engine (2/24)
Training 20 | Stirling Engine (3/24)
Training 21 | Stirling Engine (4/24)
Training 22 | Stirling Engine (5/24)
Training 23 | Stirling Engine (6/24)
Training 24 | Stirling Engine (7/24)
Training 25 | Stirling Engine (8/24)
Training 26 | Stirling Engine (9/24)
Training 27 | Stirling Engine (10/24)
Training 28 | Stirling Engine (11/24)
Training 29 | Stirling Engine (12/24)
Training 30 | Stirling Engine (13/24)
Training 31 | Stirling Engine (14/24)
Training 32 | Stirling Engine (15/24)
Training 33 | Stirling Engine (16/24)
Training 34 | Stirling Engine (17/24)
Training 35 | Stirling Engine (18/24)
Training 36 | Stirling Engine (19/24)
Training 37 | Stirling Engine (20/24)
Training 38 | Stirling Engine (21/24)
Training 38a | Stirling Engine (22/24)
Training 38b | Stirling Engine (23/24)
Training 38c | Stirling Engine (24/24)
2D Drawings
(2.5 hours)
Training 39 | 2D Drawing (1/7)
Training 40 | 2D Drawing (2/7)
Training 41 | 2D Drawing (3/7)
Training 42 | 2D Drawing (4/7)
Training 43 | 2D Drawing (5/7)
Training 44 | 2D Drawing (6/7)
Training 45 | 2D Drawing (7/7)
Training 46 | Exploded Views (1/2)
Training 47 | Exploded Views (2/2)
Training 48 | Assembly Instruction (1/2)
Training 49 | Assembly Instruction (2/2)
Training 50 | Bulk Drawing (1/2)
Training 51 | Customize 2D Template (1/2)
Training 52 | Customize 2D Template (2/2)
Training 53 | Customise BOM (1/2)
Training 54 | Customise BOM (2/2)
Training 55 | Bulk Drawing (2/2)
(45 minutes)
Training 56 | Catalogs (1/4)
Training 57 | Catalogs (2/4)
Training 58 | Anchors (1/2)
Training 59 | Anchors (2/2)
Training 60 | Catalogs (3/4)
Training 61 | Catalogs (4/4)
Import Editing
(27 minutes)
Training 62 | Import Geometry (1/4)
Training 63 | Import Geometry (2/4)
Training 64 | Import Geometry (3/4)
Training 65 | Import Geometry (4/4)
(22 minutes)
Training 66 | Animation (1/2)
Training 67 | Animation (2/2)
(19 minutes)
Training 68 | Rendering (1/2)
Training 69 | Rendering (2/2)
Sheet Metal
(25 minutes)
Training 70 | Sheet Metal (1/3)
Training 71 | Sheet Metal (2/3)
Training 72 | Sheet Metal (3/3)
Add-on Training
(28 minutes)
Training 73 | Render in KeyShot
Training 74 | MultiPhysics (1/2)
Training 75 | MultiPhysics (2/2)
Convert to Solid
Convert Facet based files into solids.
Convert imported facet models. STLs.
Coordinate System
Plane. Coordinate system.
Corner Break
Corner Relief
Cosmetic Thread
Create a visual representation of a thread.
Thread. Screw. Bolt.
Cosmetic Weld
Create 2D BOM Templates
Bill of materials. Template.
Creating a 3D part from a 2D drawing
Custom Hole
Hole Fastener Custom
Customize Menu's and Keyboard Shortcuts
Cut, Copy, Paste Commands
CTRL C, CTRL V. Copy paste.
Delete Face
Display Commands
Scene browser. Catalog browser. Show.
Draft Faces
Useful for molding and casting.
Molding Moulding. Casting. Draft faces.
Drag & Drop Quick Properties From Catalogs
Create a catalog item to auto-populate part properties (Part Number, Description, Price etc).
Properties catalog Smart Paint
Drill Command - ICMECH
cut drill
Dynamic Part Numbers & Properties
How to add a custom property that automatically updates with size changes.
Parameters custom property parameter properties BOM parameters in BOM
Edge Pattern Offset
Edit Face Radius
Editing Sheet Metal Stock Table or Tool Table
Stocktbl Tooltbl Tooltable Stocktable
Explode Tool - ICMECH
Export File Options
How to export files and the formats available.
Export solidworks. Step. STL. Inventor. Parasolid. ACIS. DXF.
Export for 3D Printing
Export your model as an .STL file for 3D printing.
Extend Sketch
Extend Surface
External File Operations
Manage parts & assemblies as external individual files.
Linked files. Unlink files. Insert Part/Assembly. Open Part/Assembly. Save External. Save as External.
Extract 3D Curve
Extract Surface
Faces to Intellishape
Direct editing convert faces to shapes.
Direct editing.
Fill EyeDropper
Copy colors, textures, materials, and properties between parts.
Fillet/Chamfer Sketch
Find Gap in Sketch
Find in Scene Browser
Find and drill down to an item in the scene tree.
Fixed in Parent
Lock an item down for movement simulation.
Fix. Locked. Constrain. Simulation.
Flexible Mechanism Solving
Constraints. Positioning.
Flexible Shapes Catalog
Flex shapes catalog.
Format Commands
Units. Increments. Snap. Default.
Forming Tool
Form. Sheet metal press.
Formula 3D Curve
Gears in ICMECH
Useful when working on complex assemblies.
Transparent. Transparency.
Ghost Elements Manager - ICMECH
Ghost hide
Create selection sets to speed up multi-selection.
Group. Assemble. Selection Set.
Hidden Ribbon Bar or Other Menu
Lost menu. Menu gone. Disappeared.
Hole Feature Support for Chamfer - ICMECH
Hole Tables in 2D Drawings
Hole tables.
Horizontal/Vertical Smart Dimension
Vertical. Horizontal. Constraint.
ICD and CAXA Draft
IronCAD's two different 2D drawing and drafting environments.
CAXA Draft. 2D Drawing. ICD.
ICM | Add Attachment
ICM | Bearings
ICM | Centre Holes
ICM | Code Generator
ICM | Config by Customs
ICM | Configuration
ICM | Configure IPRO_BOM.ini
ICM | Count Parts
ICM | Create ProActive Parts
ICM | Custom Steels & Extrusions
Custom Steels and Extrusions in ICMECH.
Structural Steel in IronCAD Mechanical. Custom Extrusions.
ICM | Dialog Explanation
Typical IronCAD Mechanical dialog options
ICM | Double Bend
ICM | Export Elements
ICM | External Link Manager
ICM | Face to DXF
Quickly export a face to DXF.
ICM | Fasteners
IronCAD Mechanical Fasteners.
Screws. Bolts. Nuts. Washers. Mechanical. Mech.
ICM | Fasteners Assembly
Create fastener assemblies in one go with IronCAD Mechanical.
Screw. Bolt. Nut. Washer. IC mechanical fastener assembly.
ICM | Find Suppressions
ICM | Fix Anchors
ICM | Get Coordinates
ICM | Holder Rings
ICM | Holes
IronCAD Mechanical holes tool.
ICM | Installation
How to install the IronCAD Mechanical Add-on
Install ironproxt install ironcad mechanical icmech mech
ICM | Join IntelliShapes
ICM | Kernel Manager
ICM | Library Data Manager
Control default sizes of ICMECH Steels, Fasterners etc.
Edit Steel Sizes ICMECH. Edit fastener sizes in mechanical add-on.
ICM | NPT Holes
ICM | Numbering PartNumbers
ICM | Orings
ICM | Profile to DXF
ICM | Seegers
ICM | Set Material
ICM | Set Smoothness
ICM | Solid-Hollow Toggle
ICM | Split IntelliShapes
ICM | Steel Stairs
Create Steel Stairs in the ICMECH Add-on.
ICM | Steels
Settings and instructions for ICMECH Steels.
Structural Steel with IronCAD Mechanical.
ICM | Suppress Small
ICM | Text 3D
ICM | Update All GenCode Parts
ICM | Update Fasteners Holds
ICMECH - Components
ICMECH - ProActive Manager
ICMECH - ProActive Manager 2
ICMECH - Tools
ICMECH - Utilities
Import File Options
How to import files and the supported formats.
importing. open.
Import Large Reference 2D DXF & DWG
Import plan. Reference DXF. Reference DWG. DXF plan. DWG plan.
Innovative Part vs Structured Part Mode
Structured part design.
Install Windows Debugging Tools
Beginner Training
Introduction to the Basic Training Course
Training 01 | Drag & Drop Modelling (1/3)
Training 02 | Drag & Drop Modelling (2/3)
Training 03 | Drag & Drop Modelling (3/3)
Training 04 | Toy Car Exercise
Training 05 | TriBall (1/3)
Training 06 | TriBall (2/3)
Training 07 | TriBall (3/3)
Training 08 | Table Exercise (1/5)
Training 09 | Table Exercise (2/5)
Training 10 | Table Exercise (3/5)
Training 11 | Table Exercise (4/5)
Training 12 | Table Exercise (5/5)
Training 13 | Extrude
Training 14 | Spin (1/2)
Training 15 | Spin (2/2)
Training 16 | Sweep
Training 17 | Loft
Training 18 | Stirling Engine (1/24)
Training 19 | Stirling Engine (2/24)
Training 20 | Stirling Engine (3/24)
Training 21 | Stirling Engine (4/24)
Training 22 | Stirling Engine (5/24)
Training 23 | Stirling Engine (6/24)
Training 24 | Stirling Engine (7/24)
Training 25 | Stirling Engine (8/24)
Training 26 | Stirling Engine (9/24)
Training 27 | Stirling Engine (10/24)
Training 28 | Stirling Engine (11/24)
Training 29 | Stirling Engine (12/24)
Training 30 | Stirling Engine (13/21)
Training 31 | Stirling Engine (14/24)
Training 32 | Stirling Engine (15/24)
Training 33 | Stirling Engine (16/24)
Training 34 | Stirling Engine (17/24)
Training 35 | Stirling Engine (18/24)
Training 36 | Stirling Engine (19/24)
Training 37 | Stirling Engine (20/24)
Training 38 | Stirling Engine (21/24)
Training 38a | Stirling Engine (22/24)
Training 38b | Stirling Engine (23/24)
Training 38c | Stirling Engine (24/24)
Training 39 | 2D Drawing (1/7)
Training 40 | 2D Drawing (2/7)
Training 41 | 2D Drawing (3/7)
Training 42 | 2D Drawing (4/7)
Training 43 | 2D Drawing (5/7)
Training 44 | 2D Drawing (6/7)
Training 45 | 2D Drawing (7/9)
Training 46 | Exploded Views (1/2)
Training 47 | Exploded Views (2/2)
Training 48 | Assembly Instruction (1/2)
Training 49 | Assembly Instruction (2/2)
Training 50 | Bulk Drawing (1/2)
Training 51 | Customize 2D Template (1/2)
Training 52 | Customize 2D Template (2/2)
Training 53 | Customize BOM (1/2)
Training 54 | Customize BOM (2/2)
Training 55 | Bulk Drawing (2/2)
Training 56 | Catalogs (1/4)
Training 57 | Catalogs (2/4)
Training 58 | Anchors (1/2)
Training 59 | Anchors (2/2)
Training 60 | Catalogs (3/4)
Training 61 | Catalogs (4/4)
Training 62 | Import Geometry (1/4)
Training 63 | Import Geometry (2/4)
Training 64 | Import Geometry (3/4)
Training 65 | Import Geometry (4/4)
Training 66 | Animation (1/2)
Training 67 | Animation (2/2)
Training 68 | Rendering (1/2)
Training 69 | Rendering (2/2)
Training 70 | Sheet Metal (1/3)
Training 71 | Sheet Metal (2/3)
Training 72 | Sheet Metal (3/3)
Training 73 | Render in KeyShot
Training 74 | MultiPhysics (1/2)
Training 75 | MultiPhysics (2/2)
2D Drawings & DXFs
DXF Creation For CNC
How to create a DXF/DWG for manufacturing (CNC, LASER, etc).
dwg laser cnc
Creating 2D Drawings
Overview of how to create 2D drawings from your IronCAD 3D Models.
BOM & Cutlist Setup
How to create a Bill of Materials (BOM) or Cutlist from your 3D model.
Creating cut lists. Bill of materials. Parts list for manufacturing.
Webinar | Going from 2D to 3D
Import Reference 2D
ICD and CAXA Draft
IronCAD's two different 2D drawing and drafting environments.
CAXA Draft. 2D Drawing. ICD.
Hole Tables in 2D Drawings
Hole tables.
Printing 2D Drawings (Paper or PDF)
Adding Lines/Geometry to 2D Drawing Views
Supplementary geometry
Automatic Dimensioning 2D Drawings
Automatic dimensioning. Dimensions.
Aligning Annotations on 2D Drawings
2D Drawing Spell Checker
Create 2D BOM Templates
Bill of materials. Template.
Add Logo Images To Drawings
Add an image into your drawing sheet template.
Drawing template images. Open image.
SmartDimension Settings 2D Drawings
2D Dimensions.
2D Drawing View Creation Types
Catalogs & Modular
Modular Design Preview
Quick preview of IronCAD's modular design capabilities.
Attachment Point
Create modular parts than automatically connect.
Modular. Attachment points. Smart Assembly.
Modular & Parametric Packaging
Example of Push & Pull Parametric packaging using IronCAD's handles.
Para. Parametric. Packaging. Nefab.
Push & Pull Parametric Design Intelligence
NEFAB. Package. Packaging. Pallet. Parameters. SmartAssembly. Smart Assembly.
Control how items drop from the catalog.
Interaction properties. Move anchor.
Attachment Point Connector
Reconnect and reposition attachment point items.
Webinar | Reuse CAD Models For New Products
Reuse. Existing or imported models.
Attachment Point Parameters / Expressions
smart ebehavior smartassembly smart assembly
Drag and drop. Drag & Drop.
CADENAS Part Library
Webinar | Drag & Drop Catalog System
Catalog. Catalogs. Drag and drop. Drag & drop webinar. Drag and drop webinar.
Drag & Drop Quick Properties From Catalogs
Create a catalog item to auto-populate part properties (Part Number, Description, Price etc).
Properties catalog Smart Paint
Assembly Features
Features that cut through multiple parts in a model or Assembly.
Cut parts. Assembly cut. Hole through multiple parts. Cut two (2) parts. Cut three (3) parts.
Catalog Management
What are SmartModels?
Handles. Push/Pull. Sizebox.
Tank Parametric Demo
Parametric Push & Pull Setup
How to set up Push & Pull Parametric models with IronCAD's handles.
Parametric design. Parameters. Push Pull Parameters. Sizebox Parameters.
Attachment Point Parallel Constraint
Modular. SmartAssembly. eBehaviour
Flexible Shapes Catalog
Flex shapes catalog.
Structural Steel
ICMECH - Steels Tutorial 2
ICMECH - Steels Tutorial 1
Structural Steel Overview
How to use Structural Steel with IronCAD Mechanical.
Webinar | IronCAD Mechanical
Steel Stairs and Rails Tools - ICMECH
stairs railings stair railing stair fence
Custom Steel Feature - ICMECH
Custom Steel Extrude Custom Extrude
Steel Caps and Inserts - ICMECH
Steel cap steel structural capping
Cosmetic Weld
Sheet Metal
Sheet Metal Preview
Very short preview of IronCAD's sheet metal tools.
Sheet Metal in Detail
Detailed look at IronCAD's different sheet metal tools.
Webinar | Sheet Metal Design
Sheet Metal Loft
Square to round, press bends, and more.
Sheet Metal Miter
Miter sheet metal bends around edges of a part.
Solid part to Sheetmetal Part
Convert to sheet metal. Rip. Bend.
Convert to Sheet Metal part
Convert standard or imported geometry to Sheet Metal parts.
Import sheet metal.
Sketched Bend
Sheet metal parts from bends sketched on a flat sheet.
Sheet Metal Loft with Press Bends
Round to square. Duct.
Solid/Surface Flat Pattern from Faces
Create a flat pattern from curved surfaces.
Move Bend Editing Handles in Sheet Metal
Add Closed
Closing sheet metal corners in parts.
Forming Tool
Form. Sheet metal press.
Corner Relief
Unfold / Refold Individual Bends
Corner Break
Bend Notch for Sheet Metal Press Bends
Press notch. Check out. Sheet metal.
Unfold / Refold Sheetmetal
Sheet Metal Bend Settings
The options available to customize sheet metal Bends.
Sheet Metal Part Properties
Kfactor K-factor k factor. Guage. Code. Minimum bend radius. Stock properties. Allowance.
Bend Reliefs in Sheet Metal
Punch Bend Sheet Metal
Cut out and bend a section of a sheet.
Punch Stamp Sheet Metal
Editing Sheet Metal Stock Table or Tool Table
Stocktbl Tooltbl Tooltable Stocktable
Stamp / Form / Punch Shapes in Sheet Metal
Sheet Metal edit cut in Flat Mode
Cut unfold.
Sketch Bend Sheet Metal
Create a sheet metal part by drawing bend lines on a flat sheet.
Sketched Bend. Bend from flat. Fold.
Bend Notch
Add a cut/alignment notch to sheet metal bends.
Bend relief. Bend notch. Bend cut out.
Convert to Sheetmetal part
Convert an imported part to be used with IronCAD sheet metal.
Convert imported part to sheetmetal. Convert sheetmetal. Sheet metal.
Share 3D on the cloud
Share your IronCAD model in an online link to send anyone a preview.
Extract pricing and other info for quotes.
Quote. Query properties. Pricing.
Apply colors, textures, and more to your model.
Color Colour Texture Bump Decal Transparent Paint Environment Metallic Metal Wood Timber Plastic Glass
Realistic Rendering
Customize shadows, reflections, ambient occlusion and more.
Shadow. Ambient occlusion. Reflections.
Background Settings
Customise background color and environment imagery.
Background color. Image. HDRI. Skybox. Cube map.
Rendering Settings
How to create product renders and the options available.
Rendering. Render Option. Global Illumination. Super-Sampling.
Quick Transparency Catalog Items
Create a catalog item to enable or disable transparency of parts.
SmartPaint Smart Paint Transparent Clear
Fill EyeDropper
Copy colors, textures, materials, and properties between parts.
Convert Compose Data
Compose. Configurator. Light format. Light model. IP.
Lights / Scene Lighting
Place and control lights for rendering.
Light. Insert light. Directional light. Spot light. Area light. Point light.
KeyShot Exploded View
exploded. key shot.
SmartMarkup Collaboration & Sharing
Annotation. Share.
KeyShot Quick Demo
Quick demonstration of rendering a platform in KeyShot for IronCAD.
Text Annotations
Text annotations in 3D.
Annotations. Notes.
Texture Mapping Tools
decal. bump. texture.
Large Model Graphics Performance Option
Graphics Rotation Speed
Analysis & Testing
Positioning Constraints
Lock the movement of parts to simulate real-world mechanisms.
Mechanism Mode
Simulate real-world movement mechanisms.
Mechanism. Movement. Physics. Simulation.
Extract pricing and other info for quotes.
Quote. Query properties. Pricing.
Check Interference
Investigate overlapping or interfering parts.
Do temporary measurements of geometry.
Measure area. Curve length. Arc Length. Surface Area. Minimum distance. Maximum distance.
Draft Analysis
Check Draft angles for molding and casting.
Mold. Molding.
Analyse moments of inertia, mass density, surface area and more.
Moments of inertia. Moment of inertia. (l_xy, l_yz, l_zx). Mass density.
Webinar | MultiPhysics
MultiPhysics Tutorial 4
Fixed in Parent
Lock an item down for movement simulation.
Fix. Locked. Constrain. Simulation.
MultiPhysics Quick Overview
Training 74 | MultiPhysics (1/2)
Training 75 | MultiPhysics (2/2)
MultiPhysics Tutorial 3
MultiPhysics Tutorial 2
MultiPhysics Tutorial 5
Measure (Area & Curve)
Measure area. Area. Measure curve. Measure edge. Edge measurement. Curve Measurement.
MultiPhysics Tutorial 1
Modular Design Preview
Quick preview of IronCAD's modular design capabilities.
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Catalogs & Modular
Constraints & Parametric
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This tutorial uses the
Mechanical Add-on
, click here to download it.
This tutorial requires the
MultiPhysics Add-on
, click here to download it.
Download the 3D files used in this course
This tutorial requires the
KeyShot Add-on
, click here to download it.
Click here to download the tutorial files used in these examples.
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